The Audit and Risk Committee

The Audit and Risk Committee is a subcommittee made up of MHA Board Members.  These Members have experience with, and an interest in, areas such as audit, finance, and risk management.

The Committee meet together at least once every three months.  These meetings are an opportunity to look at matters in-depth relating to our management accounts and budgets.  They also meet regularly with our auditors to ensure that there are no areas of concern.  Finance policies, our Risk Register, and budgets are also discussed at these meetings.  Recommendations are made to the Board in all areas of audit, finance, and risk management.  The Committee also contribute towards our process to create our three-year strategic Business Plan.

Additionally, they meet to discuss our long term financial forecasting.  Workshops are also held by the Committtee to help identify the impact of proposed changes to our rents.

The Audit and Risk Committee is currently Chaired by Lindsay Johnstone.

If you would like to know more about the full responsibilities of the Audit and Risk Committee, you can download their "Terms of Reference" below:

Audit and Risk Committee: Terms of Reference


The Staffing Subcommittee

The Staffing Subcommittee is made up of MHA Board Members with both, experience, and an interest in all matters relating to staff welfare, employment law, and health and safety for staff.

Currently, The Staffing Subcommittee meet a minimum of twice per year and more often if required. They also regularly meet with our Human Resource and Health and Safety advisers to ensure that there are no areas of concern.

When they meet they discuss topics such as staffing policies, staff welfare, health and safety, and performance management. They make recommendations to the Board in all these areas.

The Staffing Subcommittee is currently Chaired by James Hill.

If you would like to know more about the full responsibilities of the Staffing Subcommittee you can download their "Terms of Reference" below:

Staffing Subcommittee: Terms of Reference